The makers of the upcoming pulpy romantic thriller 'Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein' released the character teaser of Purva from the series, essayed by actress Anchal Singh, on Wednesday.
Purva is the daughter of a powerful politician, driven by dangerous desire and passion, she pursues a simpleton Vikrant, played by Tahir Raj Bhasin. Talking about the nature and inspiration behind her character, Anchal said, "It was extremely interesting to don the character of Purva. I came on board for this project just a week before the shoot began. It was a huge responsibility to pull off this strong and powerful character. A lot of workshops happened with Sidharth Sengupta sir and Dibyendu Bhattacharya, as well as Zumba lessons; all of which helped me to understand Purva's character." She added, "Understanding her character was really crucial. We might call her unconventional because she's very strong willed and focused, but I don't see her that way. She's in love, she has her own insecurities and desires and she goes for what she wants. And having played Purva for sometime now, it has become second nature." The series, which also stars Tahir Raj Bhasin, Shweta Tripathi and Saurabh Shukla, will be available to stream on Netflix from January 14. --IANS aa/kr ( 222 Words) 2022-01-12-14:04:04 (IANS)