New Delhi [India], December 31: The highly anticipated trailer of the suspense thriller Manchalo Ki Masti was launched at a star-studded event at Juhu PVR, Mumbai. Featuring Akash Kumar Mittal in the lead role, the film promises a gripping tale of mystery, unexpected twists, and edge-of-the-seat moments. Directed by Dinesh Shahdeo & Produced by Vijay Kumar Agrawal and written by Sandip Swaransh and Shahdeo himself, the movie is presented by Manorama Pictures & Entertainment in association with Vijay & Two Stars Entertainment, with all-India distribution by First Film Studios LLP. The trailer provides an intriguing glimpse into a narrative that blends suspense, drama, and psychological tension. Akash Kumar Mittal, known for his remarkable performance in Settlement, steps into a challenging role that showcases his versatility as an actor. The supporting cast includes Karuna Singh Kalpna, Sakshi Shreya, who were also present at the grand trailer launch event. Packed with intense visuals, a haunting background score, and nail-biting scenes, the trailer hints at a story filled with complex characters and unforeseen plot twists. The cinematography and gripping storyline promise to keep audiences captivated throughout. Actor Akash Kumar Mittal shared his excitement, saying, "We wanted to create a movie that keeps the audience guessing till the very end. The entire team has poured their heart into making this film, and we can't wait to bring it to cinemas." The trailer launch event witnessed an enthusiastic response from fans, media, and industry insiders. With its thrilling premise and powerful performances, Manchalo Ki Masti is set to make a mark as one of the most awaited suspense thrillers of the year. Watch the trailer here: The film is scheduled to release on 10th January 2025 in theaters nationwide. (ADVERTORIAL DISCLAIMER: The above press release has been provided by PNN. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of the same)